Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Year 10: Urban Sprawl or Consolidation: Jordan Springs

1. Jordan Springs is a very good example of Urban Sprawl because it demonstrates a perfect example of spread out low density housing which is extending away from a city centre which in this case it is on the very outskirts of Sydney however the closest CBD to Jordan Springs is Penrith, which is located about 7km away.

2. I think the development is very positive for the surrounding area of Penrith, it is providing housing for over 6000 people, it is also creating over 5000 new jobs, a new shopping centre, infrastructure, two lakes, public parks and sports oval. It is not really positive for Sydney however, because not many people who work in Sydney will take an interest because it is over 50km from the Sydney CBD, and the journey will take 1 hour in no traffic, but with the consistently bad Sydney Traffic the journey from Jordan Springs to central Sydney could take up to 2 Hours.

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