Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Geo Review

Geography during 2011 was an excellent experience with Mr Cavallaro. I particularly liked the use of blogs in the class as it helped us with our learning experience with the many tools that it encompasses. Throughout the year we used these blogs to complete our classwork and I thought this was a good, different and unique approach to class. Our school certificate revision was particularly good, using the blog system and it helped me to prepare for the exam very well. Overall, I think you were an excellent teacher throughout the year sir, and I thoroughly enjoyed Geography during 2011.

There is not much to improve on next year because it was up to such a high standard this year. Thank you again for being a great teacher in 2011.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Year 10: Let the Games Begin

There are many geographical processes relevant to coastal management. The first of these is a waste zone. This is the coastal hinterland and the inner continental shelf and everything in-between. There are also others such as sustainable management which is using resources in a way that will meet the needs of the present population without endangering the ability of future generation’s needs.

In coastal management, the weather and condition of the seas is greatly relevant to coastal management. Waves are one of the largest contributors to beach erosion and the like which affect coastal management. Waves are formed by wind blowing over an open stretch of water called a fetch. Other geographical processes that affect coastal management are swash and backwash. These are the movement of waves up the beach caused by the increase of the wave’s height and the spilling over of the crest causing it to break up onto the beach and the movement of wash returning back to the sea.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

US/Australia Defence Agreements

1. The US and Australia are currently agreeing to a deal which involves giving US Forces greater access to Australian Bases, including the Port of Darwin, HMAS Stirling, Townsville Army Base and Bradshaw Training Area in the NT. It will also allow for greater US Access to all Australian Air Force Bases, Army Bases and Navy Bases.

2. The name of the summit where they will meet is called the AUSMIN Summit.

3. The US is specifically reacting to China in this agreement.

4. US Planners are looking to achieve greater co-operation between Australia and the United States and so the US can maintain a very strong presence in Asia & South East-Asia.

5. Other key areas for discussion at the talks will be cyber security, progress in Afghanistan and the state of the Joint Strike Fighter project. Australia plans to buy up to 100 of the revolutionary multi-role jets to replace the RAAF's F-111 bombers, retired last year, and its F/A-18 Hornets.

6. This means big things for Australia's future in Regional and Global Contexts with Australia maintaining large numbers of US Forces on their soil which will be used very regularly.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Go Back to Where you Came from Reflection

  • What is your initial reaction to the show.
The show is a very exposing show. It highlights all the issues that are present in Australian Refugee society and all the way back to the source countries. I enjoyed the show throughout the course of the Journey for the Australians. 
  • What percentage of immigrants are refugees?
1.5% of Immigrants are refugees.
  • Why does such a small number of people make for such a big deal both politically and in the media? (Give your opinion)A small number number of people makes such a big deal because of their treatment in other countries and also scrutiny on the treatment of people in Australia.
  • Where does Australia rank among countries accepting refugees?
Australia ranks 18th among countries accepting refugees.
  • To what extent do we have an obligation to help other people suffering in the world? (your opinion)
We have an obligation to help people suffering in the world because we are more fortunate than them and we can afford to help them without affecting ourselves financially or anything.
  • How much extra support do refugees receive in comparison to other Australian citizens?
Refugees receive the exact same amount of support in comparison to other Australian's
  • How many Asian nations have signed the UN Refugee Convention?
11 Asian Nations have signed the UN Refugee Convention.
  • Why is it important to note that Malaysia has not signed the UN Refugee Convention? What does this mean for refugees in Malaysia?
It is important to note that Malaysia has not signed the UN Refugee Convention because of Australia's controversial refugee swap with Malaysia, which has now been cancelled. This means that refugees are subject to very bad treatment and conditions in Malaysia while under refugee status.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Page 213 Q1-12

1.  Urban Sprawl is the term used when a city expands outwards, often for many kilometers as opposed to Urban Consolidation, when current land in the city is redeveloped into high density accommodation.

2. Urban Consolidation is when city planners redeveloped current land and properties in a city to higher density housing or apartments. This is opposed to Urban Sprawl, as explained in Question 1.

3. A highly urbanized country is a country that has either a very large percentage of land urbanized, or a country that has the majority of its population living in an Urban Environment. Australia is an example of a highly urbanized population and Hong Kong is an example of both a country with a high percentage of land urbanized and a large percentage of population urbanized.

4. Three statistics that suggest Australia is a highly urbanized country are that it has high population density in cities, it has the majority of the population working in manufacturing and/or professional and service related industries and it is a centre for business, trade, tourism, entertainment and finance.

5. The factors that have influence the location of Australia's major cities are their location to the coast to enable easy access and transport, and access to key resources.

6. Population density is how many people live in a certain area and it is usually measured by how many people live in a square kilometer. It is often related to urban sprawl because when cities have high population density they can expand into low population density suburbs, which are essentially products of urban sprawl.

7. Most Australian cities compare around average, or slightly lower than average for major world cities.

8. The advantages of this are that the infrastructure is already built and ready for use, so no money has to be built on building new infrastructure, which can be extremely costly and time enduring.


Urban Sprawl

1. Urban Sprawl: Northern Beaches Urban Sprawl:

The Northern Beaches are an example of Urban Sprawl as they are not a heavily built up and extend out from the centre of city to reaches that are up to 20km from the city centre. They rely on mainly buses and large roads for infrastructure and there are many shopping centres built around the beaches in the area.

Urban Consolidation: Waitara

The Suburb of Waitara, in Northern Sydney is an example of Urban Consolidation. Almost the entire suburb is made up of high density, high rise apartment buildings. The area relies on the infrastructure of CityRail's North Shore train line and the large Pacific Highway. It is also located near the main northern exit of Sydney, the Sydney to Newcastle Freeway, commonly known as the F3.

2. In Urban Consolidation, It is mainly the State Government of New South Wales that is involved in the development of high density accommodation in areas such as Waitara, however it is also the responsibility of the developers such as Meriton to build and market the buildings. It is obviously the responsibility of the State Government to develop appropriate infrastructure for the Urban Consolidation. There are also opposition groups involved that are opposed to the developments of Urban Consolidation in the Sydney Metropolitan area, many of these are citizen formed groups.

3. The New South Wales State Government is involved heavily in the process of Urban Sprawl. The Government will usually dictate which areas are to be developed as areas of urban sprawl. Examples of these are the North West Growth Sector and the South West Growth West Sector in Sydney. These are large areas that are designated to be developed into Urban Sprawl suburbs with extra infrastructure to be built for them, such as roads, bus routes and possibly new train lines.

The Development companies such as Meriton have a very large task in the process of Urban Sprawl as they are the people that design and construct the houses and villages in the Urban Sprawl areas such as the North West Growth Sector. They can also be responsible to design places such as public parks and plazas, and shopping centres.

4. There can be positive or negative responses to the issue, the obvious negative response is that there is a drastic population increase as a result of the Urban Sprawl and Urban Consolidation and this can cause a very big strain on resources in the area and the infrastructure that might not be able to cope very well with the sudden massive increase in population in the area.

Military - Australia/United States Alliance

1. Stephen Smith is the Minister of Defence for Australia and he is in charge of the Department of Defence and the Australian Defence Force.

2. The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organisation based in Washington D.C.  Brookings conducts research and education in the social sciences, primarily in economics, metropolitan policy, governance, foreign policy, and global economy and development.

3. The alliance plays a major role in Australia's strategic and security arrangements because we have the support of the United States in every major conflict and we are in a very strategic position on the globe.

4. The location of Australia is very important in the alliance because we are the only major US ally in the South Pacific/South East Asia region and we are in a very strategic location in anything involved with China.

5. Australia has made major contributions to this alliance in the last 50 years in things such as hosting Joint Defence Facilities in the United States and Australia, Holding and participating in major Military Training Exercises and participating in conflicts alongside the United States such as the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, Iraq War and the current conflict against the Taliban in Afghanistan.

6. The Minister says that Australian companies add value to the United States and the United States economy.

7. The Minister points out information about the company because it highlights the strength of joint US-Australian companies. It highlights that Australia and the United States both have a very healthy economic relationship with each other.

8. China is the country central to Australia's relationships in the region.

9. Australia is trying to foster China into emerging as a harmonious environment that does not pose a threat to world peace.

10. This is important to Australia because China will be the major world economy in just over a decade and they are a major military power so it is important to grow in conjunction with them to avoid harm to our country and our economy.

1. The United States is planning on placing permanent forces in Australia